Experience a culinary tour at Newa Ghasa, where we are proud to offer a traditional Newari dish, Samay Baji, समय् बजि. This meal, which arises from the vibrant Newar community in Nepal, is a presentation of a wide range of flavor and texture. Visualize a meal consisting of Chatamari, Chyura, Wa, Bhatamaas, Aalu-Wala, Palu, Bodi ko Achar, Saag, and a taste of the special Ayla alcohol that is only found in the Newar Community. Samay Baji has grown into a culinary delicacy and is known as one of Nepal’s main tourist destinations. We at Newa Ghasa invite you to enjoy every mouthful and discover the core of Nepalese culture as we bring this rich heritage to your table. Experience the delicious symphony of tastes and the warmth of tradition that define Samay Baji, only in Newa Ghasa.